Show all IP addresses on a device

I have a lot of networks and Vlans in my environments. I am an MSP using Libre to manage clients. I would love to be able to see all the ip addresses assigned to a device on the overview page. I know this is something simple and may only impact me, but it would be great to see something like this.

On a separate note, I have updated my config.php to recognize other OS’s so I do not have as many generic devices. I found once I did a manual poll and discovery it updated things. The only one I did not find in the list of devices in the wiki is below. Sonicwall changed the syntax so that it is an S and not an s in Sonicwall.

For the community.
$os = “sonicwall”;
$config[‘os’][$os][‘text’] = “Sonicwall”;
$config[‘os’][$os][‘type’] = “firewall”;
$config[‘os’][$os][‘over’][0][‘graph’] = “device_bits”;
$config[‘os’][$os][‘over’][0][‘text’] = “Traffic”;

I was wondering the same, Is there a way to monitor by more than 1 ip address? We like to monitor the L3 links of a cisco device. But we can only monitor a device by 1 L3 link. We can create a Management vlan but we only have 1 device with 3-4 L3 links. If the link goes down that we are monitoring it no longer monitors.

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