SMTP alert with Office365

Hello Everyone,
I am reaching out to try and get some help with setting up SMTP alerting with O365. I have looked at similar post, but for the life of me have not been able to get it resolved. As stated before currently I am trying to use smtp for “How to deliver mail”, I have an authenticated. user account and have created an alert transport. Unfortunately I have not been able to get the “Test transport” to send a test email. Early on in the setup I was able to receive a pop up that mail was OK when using the test feature, although an email was never received. Now whenever I test I just receive “Test to mail failed - general error”. I have added a few screenshots to hopefully help with resolution. I thank you all in advance for the help.

Determined I am able to get email alerts working with a google smtp server but not an office 365 smtp server. Anyone know if there is anything special needed to be done with o365?

It’s impossible to tell if this is the reason why but you have a modified file LibreNMS/Util/Mail.php, what changes have you made?

The only change in LibreNMS/Util/Mail.php that I am aware of was changing from $mail->SMTPDebug = 0 to $mail->SMTPDebug = 1 in attempt to get more info in the logs.

Try setting that to 3 and see if you get anymore info out using the ./scripts/test-alert.php

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