Hi guys
I’m no expert in Librenms or have any deep knowledge in SNMP, I guess there is a risk, I’m doing some basic fault.
I’ve done some testing in my home lab,- LibreNMS in some VM’s and different routers to monitor, mostly Mikrotik. All running fine without problems. Librenms on Ubuntu 18, done all the installing myself.
Now I’m trying to run Librenms on a DigitalOcean instance monitoring Mikrotik routers. same setups, same configurations, port opening in firewalls in both ends. Changed community name.
Packet capture on Mikrotik router shows 2-way UDP communication on port 161.
I’ve spend days troubleshooting, but it’s impossible for me to get SNMP v2 or v3 running. Adding a client in Librenms gui fails every time? Ping works fine.
I need some insight in the Librenms SNMP logic,- what’s going on?
Where in Librenms can I see the step by step success/fail communication?
Running “validate config” just show a “Fail: Time between this server and the mysql database is off Mysql time”,- I guess this can’t be a major problem?