SNMP install process for Ubuntu24.04 causes ./validation output failures

I was trying to perform install steps referenced for Ubuntu 24.04 but the snmp steps seems to of broken validation. The link to the steps is but it seems to be broken when trying execut or access via a browser. Can someone verify if the curl step is broken? If it is broken please fix. When running the ./validation script I see a lot of errors like:

Cannot find module
Did not find
Unlinked OID
Cannot adopt OID

The install step that appears to be failing:
curl -o /usr/bin/distro

Output reflects that it doesn’t include path /opt/librenms/mibs. Where is this snmp search path set?

Reported path: /home/librenms/.snmp/mibs:/usr/share/snmp/mibs:/usr/share/snmp/mibs/iana:/usr/share/snmp/mibs/ietf

Cannot adopt OID in UCD-SNMP-MIB: laIndex ::= { laEntry 1 }

Component Version
LibreNMS 24.11.0 (2024-11-20T08:58:54-06:00)
DB Schema 2024_11_07_110342_custommap_edge_add_text_align (307)
PHP 8.3.14
Python 3.12.7
Database MariaDB 11.4.3-MariaDB-1
RRDTool 1.7.2
SNMP 5.9.4.pre2

[OK] Composer Version: 2.8.3
[OK] Dependencies up-to-date.
[OK] Database connection successful
[OK] Database connection successful
[OK] Database Schema is current
[OK] SQL Server meets minimum requirements
[OK] lower_case_table_names is enabled
[OK] MySQL engine is optimal
[OK] Database and column collations are correct
[OK] Database schema correct
[OK] MySQL and PHP time match
MIB search path: /home/librenms/.snmp/mibs:/usr/share/snmp/mibs:/usr/share/snmp/mibs/iana:/usr/share/snmp/mibs/ietf
Cannot find module (SNMPv2-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot find module (IF-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot find module (IP-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot find module (TCP-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot adopt OID in UCD-SNMP-MIB: laNames ::= { laEntry 2 }
Cannot adopt OID in UCD-SNMP-MIB: laIndex ::= { laEntry 1 }
[OK] Active pollers found
[OK] Dispatcher Service is enabled
[OK] Locks are functional
[OK] No active python wrapper pollers found
[OK] Redis is unavailable
[OK] rrdtool version ok
[OK] Connected to rrdcached

When I ran ./validate or lnms commands I would see the same snmp Cannot adopt OID, Did not find, etc. I was able to fix this by running the following command:

sudo apt install snmp-mibs-downloader

Please let me know where the snmp search path is set. Also, please update the Ubuntu 24.04 install section for SNMP.

Device Alerts and Top Errors page continues to not display output. See Top Error / top-errors.blade.php not outputting information

I’ve installed on Ubuntu 24.04 about 10 times in the last week with zero issue.

You’ve probably configured something in /etc/snmp/snmp.conf. Mine looks like this:

# As the snmp packages come without MIB files due to license reasons, loading
# of MIBs is disabled by default. If you added the MIBs you can reenable
# loading them by commenting out the following line.
mibs :

# If you want to globally change where snmp libraries, commands and daemons
# look for MIBS, change the line below. Note you can set this for individual
# tools with the -M option or MIBDIRS environment variable.
# mibdirs /usr/share/snmp/mibs:/usr/share/snmp/mibs/iana:/usr/share/snmp/mibs/ietf

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