SNMP location with geolocation


What would be the correct format on a Juniper/Vyos/Vyatta/Unifi device for the snmp-location so geomapping works?
I use OpenStreetMap, and I currently have the Lat / Lng in it, but I’d prefer to just use the full street name which LibreNMS automatically picks up.

Thank you!

Lat,lng in squared brackets

So “CUSTOMERNAME[123.4,567.8]” e.g.
That’s how I use it.

You can use a few engines:

Location format is like you search in the googlemaps or bingmaps.

EDIT: In fact, you can use both: Normal Location [lat,long]

That’s exactly what I didn’t want to.

EDIT. Found it, was just a question of good formatting, not as described in the documentation.