SNMP polling on Cisco NCS


I have posted for the past couple years about librenms not reporting, alerting, on BGP sessions on cisco routers with IOS-XR. So i have a few cycles and started to look into things more.

First i dug into the mib using -
Cisco MIB browser

i found the MIB - BGP4-MIB, assuming that is the MIB librenms is using, i located the spot on where in the MIB it is looking for the state -

                bgpPeerState OBJECT-TYPE
                    SYNTAX     INTEGER {

I then checked my alert rules and verified things are configured correctly for the “BGP Down” alert.

In my alerts with my 3 routers, all NCS / IOS-XR, every session is reporting on the following state -

So tonight i started to look at the details of the alert - and found that there is NO data, interger in the response and other data missing -

So the next thing i did was an snmpwalk - on the following OID -

Here are my results that show the interger value -

There are 2 VRF’s on this router and this snmpwalk did not show the BGP sessions did not show the sessions for the other VRF. That i need to figure out before i post about that.

Am I missing something with librenms? Am i doing something wrong?

Any ideas would be great.

Thank you for reading.

Stay safe,


If you looking how to monitor bgp inside vrf then you need snmp contexts, check this howto - Monitoring VRFs on IOS-XR


Thanks for the reply, My main concern is the default VRF, as explained above.

Any thoughts to that?

Thanks again for reading and replying,


No, i never met this problem, all my default vrf bgp session on iosxr have bgpPeerState.


Thanks for the reply again,

What do you need or recommend for debugs? This has been happening for years.

It clear that that’ll the poller is not getting or parsing the information upon poll of the router.


Create lab setup with spare ncs or XRv and spare librenms instance this way you can
play with device config and debug poller logs to check whats going on.

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