Snmpd: not all agents are executed

for some reason some snmp extends run in timeout:
interesting case is, it is only one Machine

System: Debian Bullseye
snmpd Version: 5.9

Configfile: /etc/snmpd/snmpd.conf

createUser monitoringuser MD5 “password1” DES “password2”
rouser monitoring auth

sysLocation locationname
sysContact [email protected]

agentAddress udp:

view systemonly included .
view systemonly included .
view all included .1

includeAllDisks 10%
load 12 10 5

#iquerySecName internalUser
#rouser internalUser
#defaultMonitors yes
#linkUpDownNotifications yes

#Hardware Detection
extend . hardware ‘/usr/bin/sudo /bin/cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name’
extend . manufacturer ‘/usr/bin/sudo /bin/cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor’
extend . serial ‘/usr/bin/sudo /bin/cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_serial’

extend apache /etc/snmp/
extend bind /etc/snmp/bind
extend certificate /etc/snmp/
extend dhcpstats /etc/snmp/
extend distro /etc/snmp/distro
extend entropy /etc/snmp/
extend mdadm /etc/snmp/mdadm
extend mysql /etc/snmp/mysql
extend ntp-server /etc/snmp/
extend osupdate /etc/snmp/osupdate
extend puppet-agent /etc/snmp/
extend pureftpd /usr/bin/sudo /etc/snmp/
extend smart /usr/bin/sudo /etc/snmp/smart
proxy -v 2c -c squidsnmppublic localhost:3401 .
master agentx


/usr/sbin/snmpd -c /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
Turning on AgentX master support.
/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf: line 17: Error: includeAllDisks already specified.
/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf: line 17: Error: ignoring: includeAllDisks 10%
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘hardware’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘manufacturer’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘serial’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘apache’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘bind’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘certificate’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘dhcpstats’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘distro’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘entropy’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘mdadm’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘mysql’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘ntp-server’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘osupdate’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘puppet-agent’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘pureftpd’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘smart’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate registration: MIB modules proxy and proxy (oid .
Turning on AgentX master support.
Error opening specified endpoint “udp:”
Server Exiting with code 1

when doing a snmpwalk it ends up with:

iso. = INTEGER: 1
iso. = INTEGER: 1
iso. = STRING: “4922318,415482,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1652,0,10,0,0,0,0,281770,0,0,0,0,482,0,0,0,0,0,55,0,0,0,0,0,0,0”
Timeout: No Response from hostname

LibreNMS itself receivces all Application Data, except Data for mdadm, and smart application.
If i run mdadm and smart Script as Debian SNMP User, it works without problems.

Has someone an idea how to fix this problem?

Maybe there are OID’s with length that exceed snmp standard?
I’m quite sure but there is some limitation 128 bytes maybe.

my longest extend has something about 10 Charakters.

I have only extends for LibreNMS, and their extend Names are specified.

On other systems same configuration works fine, also with Debian Bullseye

Hm then maybe to enable debug output to net-snmp, maybe
it will print something.

look above, their is my debug output.
There are no duplicates, everything is in a single file, nethertheless snmpd says their are duplicated table data, which make no sense

I thought debug output enabled with -D all flag

complete output of starting snmpd on commandline with -D all flag
Configuration file is posted on first message.

/usr/sbin/snmpd -LOw -u Debian-snmp -g Debian-snmp -c /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf -D all

duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘apache’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘mdadm’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘distro’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘ntp-server’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘smart’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘osupdate’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘mysql’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate registration: MIB modules proxy and proxy (oid .
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘certificate’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘entropy’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘dhcpstats’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘puppet-agent’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘bind’ - possibly duplicate name.
/etc/snmp/snmp.d/base.conf: line 6: Error: includeAllDisks already specified.
/etc/snmp/snmp.d/base.conf: line 6: Error: ignoring: includeAllDisks 10%
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘hardware’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘manufacturer’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘serial’ - possibly duplicate name.
duplicate table data attempted to be entered. row exists
Failed to register extend entry ‘pureftpd’ - possibly duplicate name.
Error opening specified endpoint “all”
Server Exiting with code 1

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