Starting Up librenms server

/usr/bin/php: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ undfeined symbol: , version GLIXBCXX_3.4.15

This is the error i get when i try to run validate.php after booting the vm with vmdk file from librenms.I m not able to login or connect vis ssh nothing.

Looks like you might have mixed packages from different versions of your distro.

You need to get php working before anything LibreNMS will work.

i jus downloaded the image from the official librenms website is there any other links available to download or any other guide to install.I have tried both the apache and nginx for 16.04 still then i am not able to browse it.

I’d suggest installing your own VM based on the official install docs for now. It will take less time.