Support for Ubiquity / Unifi switch 8


I have a few Ubiquity / Unifi switch 8 devices in my network and at the moment they are being detected as generic device. Detection for other Unifi switches works fine, just not this type apparently.

I have generated output from discovery.php and poller.php, respectively here and here

Output from snmpbulkwalk is here

Would it be possible to add proper detection for these devices?


Release 1.66 has fixed detection of my Unifi switch 8, many thanks for that!!

I do have one remaining question though: with my device now properly detected as a Unifi / edgeswitch, monitoring of the cpu no longer works.
The eventlog shows: Processor Removed: hr 196608 Processor

The monitoring of the CPU did work when the device was detected as a generic device, but now no longer works since it’s detected as a Unifi device.
If someone has the time to fix this, I would be very grateful.

Many thanks,