Hi guys, I manage getting into work syslog support.
It is working ok and I can see logs and trigger notifications.
Problem is that cpu goes to 100%.
Using htop I can see that syslog.php is taking 100%cpu.
I dont understand why it is going to high , I only sent one or two lines with logger.
As soon as I stop syslog-ng or rsyslog (I tryied with both) , cpu goes to normal value.
I also added to syslog.php script:
$fp = fopen('/opt/librenms/logg', 'w');
fwrite($fp, "line :".$entry);
in order to see what is going on but , nothing appears on logg file.
BTW , also tryed comment at syslog-ng.conf file:
#source s_sys {
# system();
# internal();
log {
# source(s_sys);
There is no excesive log messages comming (verified with tcpdump)
To take cpe to normaI values , I need to remove syslog-ng from system ,
doing just systemctrl stop syslog-ng , dont shutdown the daemon and cpu continues high.
Please help me , I really like this feature.