Teams notfification not working

HI All,

i see few similar topics on this channel but the solution on those topic doesnt work hence why i am posting my issue. just cannot get the teams alering working. your help will be much appreciated.

Alert template

alert rule

transport config

cannot receive alerts on team channel. Incoming Webhooks configured on teams already.

testing - i see 405 error

also sql syntax voliattion error

any thought please?

Microsoft is stupidly deprecating direct webhooks to Teams, they want you to go via Power Automate. But creation of new webhooks should still work until 15 August, so it’s probably not that. Anyway, vote for this feedback item to keep them working:

any thought or help guys while im using webhook?

Probably not the answer you want, but if you jump into PowerAutomate, look for a trigger called “When an HTTP Request Is Received”. This will give you a URL to point your web hook to. From there, just send one over and see what the data looks like. You will likely have to parse that trigger body (add an action called ‘Parse JSON’), then create your own alert template with the data that comes in from that web hook, but you can also do some other cool things with it, like creating your own adaptive cards if you go down the rabbit hole. To do it quick and dirty, you can just create the template from the Parse JSON action, then just use a ‘send an email’ action.

I’m no PowerAutomate pro by any means, but there is some pretty nice things that you can do in there.

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