Hello! I have trouble with sending alert to Telegram. Alert of Mikrotik always failed transport to Telegram, while another devices are succeed.
Why it happened for Mikrotik? How to fix it?
Any help would be appreciated!
Hello! I have trouble with sending alert to Telegram. Alert of Mikrotik always failed transport to Telegram, while another devices are succeed.
Most likely some input for the alert contains a character that is not escaped, breaking the transport. There should be some log entries with more details.
Take a look what data is injected into the template from the device and then you can check if that data contains any non alphanumeric characters that could cause issues.
I can’t see anything odd there immediately at least, would have to see the full request towards telegram but not sure if that is easy to get without just adding print_r to the variable itself in php. Or sniffing the full packet with tcpdump.