Hello. I am wondering if there is a way to fix this. I have a RoomAlert 4E, running v4.2.4 firmware so up to date, and it is correctly identified as a AVTech device, icon is correct, so it is polling properly BUT the temperatures are way off. For example, from an SNMP walk…
|.|Int Rack Temp|OctetString|x.x.x.x:161|
|.|Ambient Air|OctetString|x.x.x.x:161|
LibreNMS is reporting the temprature in the graphs to be 2168 degrees C and 2205 Degrees C but in fact the temp is 21.68 and 22.05 and from comparing it, the same is happening for Fahrenheit, it is off by 2 decimal places, which is triggering alarms.
Is there an easy way to fix this?
Install info below…
|Version|1.51-53-g9d56593a2 - Tue May 14 2019 22:13:53 GMT-0500|
|DB Schema|2019_02_10_220000_add_dates_to_fdb (132)|
|Web Server|Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu)|