Timed Alert Transports

Has anyone toyed with the idea on timed alert transports? I know there was a PR a few years ago that looked like they got close (Add alert transport restriction to time range and device "map to" by louis-6wind · Pull Request #11622 · librenms/librenms · GitHub) but no completion. How does everyone manage their alerting after hours so they are not woken?

Currently I’m setting all my devices to maintenance mode but that comes with cons that I then don’t see alerts in the morning for if something broke. I’m going to remove maintenance mode and just set quiet time on my phone instead but this feels so fixable by timed alert transports.

p.s often servers update/roboot after hours and then ISP maintenance on a lot of my sites so my notifications can get really noisy after hours.

Feed alerts into something that does what you want?

OpsGenie I’m sure would allow schedules etc

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