TP-Link Omada EAP660 HD

Discovery: Untitled - LibreNMS
Poller: Untitled - LibreNMS
snmpbulkwalk: Untitled - LibreNMS

It’s currently being detected as the OS “TP-Link Switch”. What’s weird is that it seems like the discover/poller is detecting at least the ports, but nothing shows up in the Web UI.

Edit: removed and re-added and the ports are there now.

Discovery: Untitled - LibreNMS
Poller: Untitled - LibreNMS
snmpbulkwalk: Untitled - LibreNMS

Is my guess right that given what’s in the SNMP walk they aren’t exposing any wireless information?

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hi, none of the OMADA EAP devices offer any wifi information when queried over SNMP, tested with EAP 225, 650, 660

There is MIB for EAP only with information abount connected wireless clients.

“OID / Symbolic Name”,“Value”,“Type”
“”,"34 43 2D 44 35 2D 37 37 2D 36 44 2D 33 44 2D 44 ",“STRING”
“”,"36 45 2D 37 32 2D 38 41 2D 34 39 2D 43 34 2D 33 ",“STRING”