Just recently got a PoE Switch(T1600G-28PS v3.0) and was hoping to be able to graph the PoE stats in LibreNMS. I added $config[‘enable_ports_poe’] = 1;
to my config.php but that didn’t show any new graphs.
discovery.php - Untitled - LibreNMS
poller.php - Untitled - LibreNMS
snmpbulkwalp - Untitled - LibreNMS
Did some digging and this is the output of the OID related to PoE on TP-Link Switches - Untitled - LibreNMS
For now I just have a PoE device on port 9 so the power usage is output in the walk as
iso. = INTEGER: 525
In the web ui for the switch it displays that as 5.3
and the column title is Power (W)
If more info is needed to update the TP-Link switches to show PoE let me know and I should be able to provide it.