Turn off alerts for specific device

How can I turn off an alert for a specific device. Like I have an alert that alerts me if RAM is high. One of my servers always goes high which I am aware of. Is there a way to turn off the Ram high alert on that device?

I addressed this by writing my alert rules to check if the “ignore” box was checked or not.

What is the line you write to check that

What does ignore mean? can you post your alert rule ?

Here’s the rule I use to check if I have any interfaces operating at less than 1Gbps:

%ports.ifHighSpeed < "1000" &&
%ports.ifHighSpeed != "0" &&
%ports.ifHighSpeed != "NULL" &&
%ports.ifOperStatus = "up" &&
%ports.ifDescr !~ "mgmt%" &&
%ports.ifDescr !~ "br%" &&
%ports.ifDescr !~ "imq%" &&
%ports.ifDescr !~ "lo" &&
%ports.ignore = "0" &&

I’m using the ignore check box for the port and checking it in the rule, but you could likely just achieve what you’re asking by adding an exclusion to the rule and say something like if device name is not equal to foo then alert, just make foo the name of your device you don’t care about.

Great rule! I may have to use this one. By any chance were you able to monitor the trunk if it goes up or down on a switch. The ifTrunk either shows null or dot1q.

Is there a way to alert if a critical port or trunk goes down? I was looking at the ifTrunk in the database table.
If trunk is down it says NULL
If the trunk was up it would say dot1Q.
For some reason when I set the alert
%ports.ifOperStatus = “down” && %ports.ifOperStatus_prev = “up” && %ports.ifTrunk = "NULL"
It doesn’t detect the NULL.
I test it in the database
select ifName, ifOperStatus, ifOperStatus_prev, ifTrunk from ports where device_id = ‘887’ && ifOperStatus = “down” && ifOperStatus_prev = “up” && ifTrunk = “NULL”;
and returns nothing.

If I change the condition to

MariaDB [librenms]> select ifName, ifOperStatus, ifOperStatus_prev, ifTrunk from ports where device_id = ‘887’ && ifOperStatus = “down” && ifOperStatus_prev = “up” && ifTrunk is NULL;
It detects the NULL.
But in librenms Alerts there is not “is” condition?

Is there a better way to do this?

@robdb you may want to share some of your rules in the collection :grinning::+1: