Ubiquiti AirMax Capacity & Quality not showing


I have just setup LibreNMS and I have added a good number of Ubiquiti AirMAX equipment. For some reason, the Quality and Capacity Graphs are showing but with no data, other graphs are loading and showing data.

Has anyone else had this problem and been able to fix it?

Please, run ./poller.php -d -h ubnt_airmax_host and pastebin the output

LibreNMS Poller
SQL[SELECT version FROM dbSchema ORDER BY version DESC LIMIT 1]
SQL[SELECT version()]

Version info:
Commit SHA: 27b8b48aeb3e3da64d0905ca62fd992d7ecfbe6b
Commit Date: 1533473646
DB Schema: 258
PHP: 7.0.30-0ubuntu0.16.04.1
MySQL: 10.0.34-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.16.04.1
RRDTool: 1.5.5
Updating os_def.cache… Done
Starting polling run:

SQL[SELECT * FROM devices WHERE disabled = 0 AND hostname = ‘ubnt_airmax_host’ ORDER BY device_id ASC]
./poller.php ubnt_airmax_host 2018-08-05 21:13:10 - 0 devices polled in 0.221 secs
MySQL [5/0.00s]: Cell[2/0.00s] Row[0/-0.00s] Rows[3/0.00s] Column[0/0.00s] Update[0/0.00s] Insert[0/0.00s] Delete[0/0.00s]

You need to use the actual hostname of your device.

Opps, my mistake - late night!

See output of one of the devices here - https://pastebin.com/cfSFxzY2 @TheGreatDoc @murrant

If you check lines 1956 and 1957, your ubnt device is returning 0 for both, airmax quality% and capacity%.

So… What can I say… Try to debug why your airmax device is returning 0. Maybe is an old (or newer) version than supported by LibreNMS.

@TheGreatDoc Thank you - i asked the question on the Ubnt forum also (https://community.ubnt.com/t5/airMAX-Installation/LibreNMS-Quality-amp-Capacity/m-p/2445722#M121811) look like the MIBs were made for the older M5 range rather than the new AC range.

Is your device in AirMax mode? it won’t have data for these if it is in normal Wifi mode.

@TheGreatDoc @murrant Looks like Ubnt dont support it in AC models - https://community.ubnt.com/t5/airMAX-Installation/LibreNMS-Quality-amp-Capacity/m-p/2451161#M121943