Unable to install oxidized-web correctly


We are trying to install oxidized to work with librenms but are getting some errors.

Oxidized starts when run as root but oxidized seems no not integrate even tho console tells me configs has been updated.

But trying to make a service with systemctl it crashes:

dec 19 18:00:00 oh-librenms oxidized[25713]: F, [2018-12-19T18:00:00.424023 #25713] FATAL – : Oxidized crashed, crashfile written in /root/.config/oxidized/crash
dec 19 18:00:00 oh-librenms oxidized[25713]: oxidized-web not found: sudo gem install oxidized-web -
dec 19 18:00:00 oh-librenms oxidized[25713]: or disable web support by setting “rest: false” in your configuration

Now, trying what is proposed:

[root@oh-librenms ~]# sudo gem install oxidized-web
Successfully installed oxidized-web-0.12.1
ERROR: While executing gem … (NoMethodError)
undefined method `source_paths’ for #<Gem::Specification:0x1d22b60 oxidized-web-0.12.1>

I did try following also

[root@oh-librenms ~]# sudo gem install oxidized-web --no-ri --no-rdoc
Fetching: json-2.1.0.gem (100%)
Building native extensions. This could take a while…
Successfully installed json-2.1.0
Successfully installed oxidized-web-0.12.1
2 gems installed

But again same error as before: oxidized-web not found: sudo gem install oxidized-web…

Any help is much apreciated!

This seems like it might be better to raise this one here: https://github.com/ytti/oxidized/issues

I have an update to our issue.

It seems oxidized-web started working with a later ruby version (2.5.3 i think, we ran 2.3.x before).
And also running as oxidized user when starting service (root would only fail for reason unknown to me).