Unraid Device

Would like to be able to fully monitor a Unraid device. Including share sizes and hard drive temperatures.

discovery.php → https://p.libren.ms/view/cf2c35f8
poller.php → https://p.libren.ms/view/e3441372
snmpbulkwalk → https://p.libren.ms/view/a32542a9

hard drive temperatures via snmpbulkwalk → https://p.libren.ms/view/f66bbfd7 (they didn’t all show up in the above bulk walk)
share sizes via snmpbulkwalk → https://p.libren.ms/view/6a0b59f3

Not sure if it’s needed but here’s a link to the support thread for the Unraid SNMP Plugin → https://forums.unraid.net/topic/39339-plug-in-snmp/

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