Upgrade Database

What is the best way to upgrade database on Cent OS 7 to the latest version. It says it will be expiring soon.

What do you mean the database is expiring soon?

Sorry it was PHP version too low

Error: PHP version too low

PHP version 7.1.3 is the minimum supported version as of February 1st, 2019. We recommend you update to PHP a supported version of PHP (7.2 suggested) to continue to receive updates. If you do not update PHP, LibreNMS will continue to function but stop receiving bug fixes and updates.

I did a yum update and didnt take?

What version of mongodb should i be running?

What version of php are you on.

Also, do you have updates on? We had a bug with the notifications

MongoDB nothing to do with PHP version.

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PHP 7.0.33 (cli) (built: Dec 6 2018 22:30:44) ( NTS )
Copyright © 1997-2017 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.0.0, Copyright © 1998-2017 Zend Technologies

Server version: 5.5.60-MariaDB MariaDB Server

I was thinking of moving the database over to a seperate server… any thoughts on this. My searches are always slow even with the optimized steps.

you still need to upgrade php like the error message says,

Follow a good guide online if not sure, you want to remove your current php version and install PHP 7.2