Trying to add a ICT PDU unit but the Amps/Current graphs are not working. When I run poller -m sensors I get an error about a non-numeric value being encountered. The value returned from the poll are “-1.4”.
Load poller module sensors
SQL[SELECT sensor_class
FROM sensors
WHERE device_id
= ? GROUP BY sensor_class
[206] 1.16ms]
WHERE sensor_class
= ? AND device_id
= ? [“current”,206] 1.21ms]
SNMP[’/usr/bin/snmpget’ ‘-v2c’ ‘-c’ ‘public’ ‘-OUQnte’ ‘-M’ ‘/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/ict’ ‘udp:’ ‘.’ ‘.’ ‘.’ ‘.’ ‘.’ ‘.’ ‘.’ ‘.’ ‘.’ ‘.’]
. = “-1.4”
. = “-1.4”
. = “-1.3”
. = “-0.9”
. = “0.0”
. = “0.0”
. = “0.0”
. = “0.0”
. = “0.0”
. = “0.0”
SNMP[’/usr/bin/snmpget’ ‘-v2c’ ‘-c’ ‘public’ ‘-OUQnte’ ‘-M’ ‘/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/ict’ ‘udp:’ ‘.’ ‘.’ ‘.’]
. = “0.0”
. = “0.0”
. = “-4.9”
Checking (snmp) current Output Current #1 BrocadeStack2.1…
Checking (snmp) current Output Current #2 BrocadeStack2.2…
Checking (snmp) current Output Current #3 BrocadeStack2.3…
Checking (snmp) current Output Current #4 BrocadeStack2.4…
Checking (snmp) current Output Current #5…
Checking (snmp) current Output Current #6…
Checking (snmp) current Output Current #7…
Checking (snmp) current Output Current #8…
Checking (snmp) current Output Current #9…
Checking (snmp) current Output Current #10…
Checking (snmp) current Output Current #11…
Checking (snmp) current Output Current #12…
Checking (snmp) current System Current…
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/ on line 167
RRD[update /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0]
RRDtool Output: OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:7.14
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/ on line 167
RRD[update /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0]
RRDtool Output:
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/ on line 167
RRD[update /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0]
RRDtool Output: OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:7.28
OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:7.28
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/ on line 167
RRD[update /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0]
RRDtool Output: OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:7.28
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/ on line 167
RRD[update /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0]
RRDtool Output: OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:7.28
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/ on line 167
RRD[update /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0]
RRDtool Output: OK u:0.01 s:0.01 r:7.28