exactly after I run manually ./daily.sh at 00.00 or so.
I saw the version upgrade and was wondering what is new. Since then I have been spending time to look for a solution. I am not sure, but that was my impression. I reverted back from snapshot, started to run and re-run ./daily.sh , same happened.
Had the same issue here. Enabled ‘release’ configuration in setup.php and applied some git magic command: cd /opt/librenms && git fetch --tags && git checkout $(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))
to downgrade to last release version.
I’m having the same problem but when running the ./daily.sh command I get the below error. Before I found this post I also found a previous post where the command “./scripts/github-remove -d” was suggested so I ran that previously but I still have the problem. Thanks for any help.
Re-running /opt/librenms/daily.sh as librenms user
./daily.sh: line 166: sudo: command not found