Webserver FAIL: APP_URL is not set correctly. It should be set to http://

When validating config via GUI, I get an error under Webserver saying FAIL: APP_URL is not set correctly. It should be set to http://..* (URL for my server). I have not made any changes, the error just appeared. I have triple checked the server_name help settings. Running validate.php in CLI does not return any error.

librenms@proxlibrenms:~$ lnms config:get base_url
librenms@proxlibrenms:~$ lnms config:get app_url
librenms@proxlibrenms:~$ lnms config:set app_url http://proxlibrenms.home.arpa This is not a valid setting. Please check your input
Not sure where this has to be set but it does not seem to be causing any issues other than the error in the validate cfg.

Did more hunting and found the APP_URL is set in the .env file. I added the required URL and the configuration check no longer flags error about the Webserver APP_URL :slight_smile:


Same Problem here, what changed ?
In the .env File the APP_URL has a #, so its no enabled.

Thanks. That helped me

I noticed this issue today and had the same problem when running validation. When clicking on any device it would not display correctly (didn’t took pictures).
I did revert back to a snapshot of two days ago and it is running normal again although the issue in validation still remains.

i have the same problem, but i dont know how to fix this.
Where is the .env file?

ssh into the server
sudo nano /opt/librenms/.env
modify the APP_URL= line

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Thank you, it worked!

I knew the path but i didn’t saw the .env file… yeah cause its hidden…