Wheatermap beginer question

Hi guys.
Im trying to create my first map.
Following documentation, I got this:

As you can see I add some nodes and a link.
Then I set file and image name using png and html extensions and the output folder as recomended.
But …
After pressing submit , there is nothing at the output folder.

Also , at the sentense:
In the Weathermap Plugin page, you will see the output maps. Right click on one of the maps and click on copy image address .

Dont know exactly where to click.
Take a look.

Can not find the “copy image address (copiar direccion de la image)” .

Can you please lead me ??

ssh to your server,

cd /opt/librenms/html/plugins/Weathermap/
php map-poller.php

paste the output back here.

I’ve had issues this week, turns out the very first problem was Weathermapper plugin setting 0 on image size, so I’ve gone from nothing to a fully functioning map in a day.

I would install the weather mapper plugin, get it to generate the configuration for you and then tweak it via the editor or CLI, that’s what I did.

Hi llama:
This is my output:

    [root@librenms Weathermap]# su librenms
    bash-4.2$ pwd

    bash-4.2$ php map-poller.php
    PHP Warning:  require_once(Console/Getopt.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /opt/librenms/html/plugins/Weathermap/weathermap.php on line 8
    PHP Fatal error:  require_once(): Failed opening required 'Console/Getopt.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') in /opt/librenms/html/plugins/Weathermap/weathermap.php on line 8
    PHP Warning:  require_once(Console/Getopt.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /opt/librenms/html/plugins/Weathermap/weathermap.php on line 8
    PHP Fatal error:  require_once(): Failed opening required 'Console/Getopt.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') in /opt/librenms/html/plugins/Weathermap/weathermap.php on line 8

Im testing this in a non updated server.
Now I will test it on my production server wich is updated.
Lets see result.
Thanks for your help.

This is my new output.
Server is up to date , and had to manually install php-pear.-

[root@monitoreo_wiber Weathermap]# su - librenms
Last login: Fri Aug 14 11:08:21 -03 2020 on pts/0
-bash-4.2$  /opt/librenms/html/plugins/Weathermap/map-poller.php
WARNING: configs//traffico_core.conf: OVERLIBGRAPH is used, but HTMLSTYLE is static. This is probably wrong. [WMWARN41]
PHP Deprecated:  The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in /opt/librenms/html/plugins/Weathermap/lib/Weathermap.class.php on line 778
WARNING: configs//traffico_core.conf: Angled text doesn't work with non-FreeType fonts [WMWARN02]
WARNING: configs//traffico_core.conf: Angled text doesn't work with non-FreeType fonts [WMWARN02]


you can safely ignore those errors, you should have a png in /output now.

Dear llama.
There is my map.
Im very happy.

Just three things I can not tweak:
1 -How to make curved links ?
2 - How to show current traffic instead of percent value ?
3 - Hover on links is not working (should see traffic graph).
I checked:
a - Other browsers … same result.
b - ‘Hover’ Graph URL is ok , for instance:
If I browse this, I can see the graph ok
btw: Link to graph does work if when click.

Thanks my friend.

Fantastic Leandro.

to answer your other questions,

1, I haven’t done that but I believe it’s using VIA, read the docs here

2, use this:


3, here’s an example from my config:

LINK sw1:Slot:0Port:1Gigabit-Level-sw2:Port1
    INFOURL /graphs/type=port_bits/id=65/
    OVERLIBGRAPH /graph.php?height=100&width=512&id=65&type=port_bits&legend=no
    TARGET ./device.domain.tld/port-id65.rrd:INOCTETS:OUTOCTETS
    NODES sw1 sw2
    ARROWSTYLE compact

I’ve found editing the .conf file in …/Weathermap/configs/xxxx.conf to be far easier than the editor, except for maybe positioning of nodes.

good luck and happy mapping, it’s a bit addictive!

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I founded 2 of 3:
2 -
It is here:
map-style - link labels (first option)

3 - It is workink now …
I tryed from the dashboard and it does not but it works from the gui plugins-whetermap-> [yourmap]


thanks for all your help!!