Widget help - overall traffic

Hi, I’m trying to get this overall traffic graph as a widget. I tried the external image widget but it doesnt seem to update. I’ve tried both using the image URL and Target URL which give me the image, but like I said it wont update.

I tried something like this: graph.php?width=663&height=221&to=1706024100&device=4&type=device_bits&from=1705937700&legend=no

but I dont get the to and from numbers. They dont indicate anything from a date perspective to me. How are those numbers todays date? Either way, I want like the last hour or so worth of traffic on this widget. Anyone assist?

The graph of overall traffic within a device calculates port bits from all interfaces as an aggregate, might be better to monitor a single interface in most scenarios such as a WAN or uplink interface.

As for the widget do the following:

Add Widget > Graph
Graph Type = port_bits
Port =

Thanks but I ended up getting it. I did the URL I had mentioned and found out I could do a &from=-10800

and it seems to be working now

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