Windows Server interface(s) showing incorrect values

Hi, thanks for looking.
I have Windows server machine that has constant high rate of traffic on couple of adapters.

Windows reporting traffic of ~600Mbps up and ~400Mbps down.
LibreNMS is reporting 70Mbps / 30Mbps on the same adapter.

I’m little confused of why this may be. Searching for similar issue did not return much.

The server has only two physical interfaces in use, LibreNMS showing otherwise.
I assume the traffic value I’d like to see is sum of those in some of the detected interfaces…
Can someone help me understand?

LibrenNMS breaks down each physical adapter to four

Is there a way to aggregate the values into more accurate representation / physical adapter per graph?
It is important for me to see all up/dn traffic on two physical adapters for statistics.

I’m not even sure if anyone can see this post, can someone chime in please? :slight_smile:

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