Windows Service Monitor


I am trying to setup monitoring of windows services and I am pretty new on LibreNMS.
I understand that already exist a Feature Request for that, but we are still not there.
Meanwhile, i understood that we can implementing NSClient ++ using Nagios Plugin and check_nt.

I tried with no success to create a Service using the respective code steps:

  1. In the top menu “Services”
  2. Add Service
    3. Device:
    Type: nt
    IP Address:
    Parameters: check_nt -H -v SERVICESTATE -p 12489 -l W3SVC -d SHOWALL

all what i received is:

check_nt: Could not parse arguments
check_nt -H host -v variable [-p port] [-w warning] [-c critical]
[-l params] [-d SHOWALL] [-u] [-t timeout]

In Nagios is working correctly, the NSClient++ is setup correctly in the service…

Any Idea please?

Why not use?

Hi Kevin, thanks for your reply, the check_mk is already installed in the windows server, and is not providing me the capability to monitor a windows service, or if i am wrong, so i don’t know how how to do that…
I can monitor everything in the windows server but not Services

thanks again

I already solved it

the correct way to do that is:
1.-In the NSClient++ configure the libreNMS ip, port and password

2.-The correct way to setup the service is:
Type: nt
Parameters: -v SERVICESTATE -p (port) -s (password) -l “Service_Name” -d SHOWALL
Good luck

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