Windows Service Restart, Detected as Reboot


I sort of stumbled on to this, as I restarted the Windows SNMP service after making a settings change (location) … but no reboot of the computer. However, LibreNMS detected this as a reboot (it wasn’t!). Tried it again on a second PC to make sure … yep, consistent.

I assume this isn’t intended?


Yes that will happen since you are making to changes to the snmp service and Windows will restart the service automatically which will reset the up time.

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Ahh - OK, so it looks at the service uptime, not the machine uptime … right? No biggie, it was just funny to see my machine as “rebooted”, even though it wasn’t. LOL.


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Yeah thats with anything that uses SNMP all devices that have SNMP have SNMP agent service.

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Got it - thanks!