World Map empty showing no devices

I have reinstalled a LibreNMS server from scratch (following my issue in another thread after updating from 1.45 to 1.56) and imported the database, rrd and config.php from my previous install.

validate.php gives

Component Version
LibreNMS 1.56-74-g8e1a7d7
DB Schema 2019_10_03_211702_serialize_config (145)
PHP 7.3.11
MySQL 5.5.64-MariaDB
RRDTool 1.4.8

[OK] Composer Version: 1.9.0
[OK] Dependencies up-to-date.
[OK] Database connection successful
[OK] Database schema correct
[ FAIL ] Some folders have incorrect file permissions, this may cause issues.

If I fix the .gitignore file permission, I get a git change warning, so I am just leaving like that for now.

The problem I have is that my World Map does not display any ping only devices. I have only one device (not ping only) displayed currently out of around 1700 devices.
I have geolocs set for each device and the geo locations are indeed listed in the corresponding menu. The override syslocation check is however not selected. I suppose that it should be, but why isn’t it since the geoloc is specified. A database import or conversion issue when upgrading?

When I go to “All locations”, the devices are correctly listed at their locations, but if I click on edit, the displayed map is empty (grey).

I also seem to have a problem with the config defaults not being taken into account for the display of the World Map.
$config[‘map’][‘engine’] = “leaflet”;
$config[‘leaflet’][‘default_lat’] = “46.227638”;
$config[‘leaflet’][‘default_lng’] = “2.213749000000007”;
$config[‘leaflet’][‘default_zoom’] = 5.8;

I just get the full map display by default.

Any suggestions on how to fix these issues ?


I have solved the problem related to the device maps. I found the following error in the Javascript console:
js?key=AIzaSyBnwD_0P9Okp733AH1WA7xUe1IU-E0dd1I&_=1571813483746:59 Google Maps JavaScript API error: ApiNotActivatedMapError

Activating the Maps JavaScript API under APIs in the Google Cloud Platform Console solved the maps problem.

No I have to figure out why ping only devices are not displayed in the WorldMap.

Any ideas ?
