I am adding a new device type, ie Huawei iBMC (idem DRAC or iLO but for their servers). Works pretty well so far, but I face a very basic issue: The sysName is not populated correctly on this device :
After a quick test, it appears that includes/polling/core.inc.php is doing the job before includes/polling/os.inc.php has a chance to do it. And I get the name changed every 2 poller.php call:
1st time, core is fine and does nothing to sysName, and then $os.inc.php corrects it to the specific OID
2nd time, core is not OK and overrides it, and $os.inc.php does not see it with the condition “if ($sysname != $device[‘sysName’])”. Even if I change the condition in $os.inc.php, I would end up with 2 calls to log_events which would be dirty …
I would say that for the moment, there is no clean solution without touching core.inc.php.
Before I start digging deeper in that direction, do you have any plans to touch this part of the polling code ?
We have no plans to change the core and now that you’ve found that aspect I don’t think (personally) trying to hack something else in that supports alternative sysNames is a good idea - maybe be better to speak to your vendor…
héhé … if only … but I’m not sure about the vendor, and also our server team would probably not agree to try funny newer iBMC firmware just for a matter of snmp sysName …
I’ll try to see if there is a way to get a clean solution for this …
Feedback : The case was opened at the vendor, and we at least have a workaround, before we get a proper solution.
Workaround is to snmpset the sysName, because it is internally handled but no GUI is available to do it for the moment.