Wrong values on PowerWalker UPS

We use UPS-Systems from UNIT (http://www.unit.de) and LibreNMS is showing wrong Data.

Here are
Discovery: Untitled - LibreNMS
Poller: Untitled - LibreNMS

Is there a way to fix that?



Ok. If you can provide the correct mibs files for that unit and the output of snmpbulkwalk -OUneb -v2c -c COMMUNITY HOSTNAME . someone can try to fix it.

If you think you can, check https://docs.librenms.org/Developing/os/Initial-Detection/ as this maybe could take a while until someones do it.

They provide two MIBs within their software collection

One is called EPPC.mib and is very similar to the one file within librenmms MIBS/Powerwalker. Additionally they provide a file that is called RFC1628.MIB.

I already tried to create a yaml file, but failed. So help is appreciated
The output of snmpbulkwalk:

@Maggo if the values are off by a factor of 10 and they are using RFC1628-MIB (a standard mib), that means they aren’t providing the values correctly from the device. Try updating the firmware first, otherwise you will have to file a bug report with the mfg.

Hello everybody,
I was able to talk to the manufacturer.
Thing is, temperarture/humidity needs an external sensor, the other values like Voltage/Input are not transmitted to the network card.

So sorry for having bothered you all.

Thank you very much.