Since this feature is missing in LibreNMS, so I decided to try to program it.
But I do not know if I can handle it.
First try
Since this feature is missing in LibreNMS, so I decided to try to program it.
But I do not know if I can handle it.
First try
Submit a PR in github
Not yet. I have to make the option to remove the custom oid.
Would be great if you can add the support via yaml. It would need to be via a custom file to stop merge conflicts.
I’m afraid that despite the yaml file it probably will not.
See linux extend oid
Very cool! The delete button in the SS says, ‘Dlelete’.
Thanks for the warning.
Hi all!
It seems very cool!! I’d like to try it, but I can’t manage to find it, where is it and how can I add it?
Hi friend,
it is working for me, really usefull thing, but i have one problem, maybe you can help me with this.
I added an OID of temperature to my luminato, but its display for me value x10.
Can you help me with this ?
And I really want to know for what is option DIVIZIOR and MULTIPLIER. Thank you for your answer!
Snmp query returns a value multiplied by 10x
Enter DIVIZIOR 10.
I got it a moment ago… THANK YOU. Really usefull for me
I have one more question.
How many sensors is possible to add ? Because for example, i have huawei ma5680t and there is sensors for example for temperature for everyone slot. So when I have 4 boards in 4 slots, i get 4 temperature sensors. My problem is, when I trying to add 4 temperature sensors for one devide I cant. First one sensor stay like is, but second or third is just overwrite.
Thank you for your help.
This is because you have used the same index and type for each sensor (probably accidentally). So the system thinks they are the same sensor
custom oid feature has been merged to master code