Explain groups for me like i am 5!


I was starting to look at groups in LibreNMS and what it could do for me.
I would like to start making a group with all my Routers.
I got some old Cisco 6513 and some newer 6840-X and 6880-X
What type of grouping would YOU do? and could you explain that to me in a way so my 5 year old brain can understand it?

Thank You!

I do the same for different types of devices.
Just a simple where hostname like *.rtr.mydomain.com, etc.

I do for different types of devices and also to create custom lists.

Ideally you have a naming scheme already so you can pick it out with sysName.

for example:

Firewall Group
%devices.os ~ "asa" || %devices.sysName ~ "@fw@" ||

Devices with non Crypto firmware:
%devices.features != "UNIVERSALK9" && %devices.features != "ADVIPSERVICESK9" &&

We do groups based on logical stuff as opposed to vendor type.

So we group all devices in our Lab Network as follows.

Name Rule
Company Lab %devices.hostname ~ "lab.domain.local" ||

Thank you!
Naming convention is a great way to go! I will use that.
First i thought it could logically create a filter for example (IOS -X)
or that a device can handle routing (-R flag in CDP neigbours)
but this is in the long run much better.