So I tried to run the new-os script ./scripts/new-os.php
It all went fine until it came to pointing to the MIB-file (pastebin to MIB-file text Untitled - LibreNMS). Then I got the following error messages.
Cannot find module (COMAP-InteliLite4-29): At line 12 in (none)
Unable to find a matching object identifier for “.*Table$”
So this is all new to me, and I do not understand MIB-files in any way.
Just looking for pointers. What can I do? Can anyone help? What are my options?
Thankful for any feedback that would help me to move forward towards a solution.
So COMAP-InteliLite4-29 needs to be in /opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/ComAp. Place it in their with the name COMAP-InteliLite4-29 and try again.
What MIB’s are you trying to bring in. I might already have the python script to make it easier. If not I can write one up rather quick. What hardware are you adding?
Does that anser your question? (sorry if I missunderstand, I’m a total rookie with MIB’s ).
The hardware is the controller to a generator. The controller is from the company, controller name is InteliLite 4 AMF 9.
I created my own definitions and discovery yamls.
I tried to include Sensors Voltage for the incomming power.
When I do a snmp walk on the specific OID it returns result
librenms@librelabb:~$ snmpwalk -v2c -c ********** .
iso. = INTEGER: 232
Definitions yaml:
librenms@librelabb:~/includes/definitions$ cat Comap.yaml
os: Comap
text: ‘Comap’
type: power
icon: apple
- { graph: device_current, text: Current }
After a lot of trail and errors I have solved my issues for now.
The errors I got from the discovery mentioned above was due to issues in the MIB file.
I took the MIB file to some kind of “MIB-file Validator” site online (The Simpleweb - MIB module validation).
It found two faults in the file.
I had no idea how to fix those parts, so i removed them from the MIB-file.
After this everything is working alot better.
Now I’m learning how to add sensors and stuff on my own. But that might be a story for another time…