Question about github, first pull-request


A while ago I asked for help with a mib-file.

I got it working, and was asked to try and make a pull-request on github.

I have never used Github before and find it a bit hard. But I have at least tried to make a pull request.
The pull-request is named.

  • Added support for vendor ComAp controller board InteliLite4 #16493

So what I’m asking is if I have done things correct.

I made the pull-request.
User JellyFrog reviewed it and asked for some changes.
I did the changes and marked the comments in the conversation as “done”.
After this I found a button that said something like “request re-review” or something.

So now I am waiting for someone to review it.
I just want to know if I have done things correct or if I have done something wrong, as I said, it is my first time using git.

Hi @Martin_Svensson
First, thanx for your contribution. GitHub is a little bit hard at the first contact but we’ll find a way to get your pull request merged :slight_smile:
A few things to fix in your PR:

  • We would like your MIB file to be in a dedicated directory. That way, LibreNMS will load it only for this device (or any device using this MIB) and not for all devices.
    • So please move it to ~/mibs/comap
  • Concerning the tests, you need indeed to fix snmpsim to get the test data collected. And yes, this is necessary to get the PR merged. In fact this is the only way to have “auto-tests” running and ensuring we don’t create regressions in the future.

With these, the PR should get closer to “merge-ready” :slight_smile:

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