ISIS Topology Monitoring


It would be very useful to see an IS-IS Topology overview of a network.

It would be great to see just an IS-IS topology overview and graphs with state changes. It could be very useful when there are multiple failures it is easier to see if there are any isolated segments of the ring. I think it would do well to have a page with ISIS enabled devices/ports

This can benefit anyone using an IS-IS based network it is a common simplistic protocol it is widely used.

Many Thanks


Hi Gorian,

Thanks for your reply. Forgive me, but I am not sure distributed polling will provide detailed information on IS-IS routing protocol.

Kind regards


oh! My bad, I actually meant to post that in reply to another topic, you are absolutely right, it’s probably not a good solution :stuck_out_tongue: Sorry about that

Yes, I fully agree. Today we have BGP and OSPF and in a dual stack IPv4/IPv6 world it’s just table stacks to support ISIS. I am happy to help as long I don’t need to code :wink:

I’ll throw in my hat for IS-IS support as well.

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Hi there… i am also looking for solution for ISIS monitoring

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Tossing my hat for IS-IS support as well.

+1 for this request. Many MPLS-based networks use IS-IS as the IGP of choice.

I don’t see any options for ISIS support, does LibreNMS support ISIS at all?

+1 for getting it going.

+1 for ISIS topology monitoring

+1 for ISIS

Yes, +1. That would be nice to see.

+1 for ISIS

+1…definitely need this.

+1 ISIS topology

+1 for isis

+1 ISIS topology

+1 ISIS is a greatly needed protocol

+1 for ISIS