Moving from PRTG to LibreNMS


We are thinking about migrate our PRTG to LibreNMS. We only miss one feature, that one is Ping alert when device is down.

Now we chec that with LibreNMS the device down is done by SNMP fail , but sometimes the SNMP fail and the device is alive.

It’s any way to send the Alert when the ICMP check fails?


Yep ! False positive device down - LibreNMS 1.38-48-gfbbc257

you can even run a traceroute in your alert template when the device doesn’t respond to icmp There is also fast ping check

Hi Chas,

Awesome help!

One more thing, Can I monitor also the packet loss?


yes you can monitor,
e.g (demo / demo)

there looks to be some macros you can use to alert on (packet_loss_15m, packet_loss_5m) or you can use the device_perf.loss entry, but i haven’t used this.