New Install failing

I am working to build out a new LibreNMS install and am getting the following error when attempting to complete the DB setup via install.php.

Fatal error: Uncaught LibreNMS\Exceptions\DatabaseConnectException: Database configuration not configured in /opt/librenms/includes/dbFacile.php:77 Stack trace: #0 /opt/librenms/includes/init.php(104): dbConnect() #1 /opt/librenms/html/ajax_output.php(23): require('/opt/librenms/i...') #2 {main} thrown in /opt/librenms/includes/dbFacile.php on line 77

I have followed the install Ubuntu 16.04 install doc and get the same error with both Nginx and Apache directions.

MySQL is active and listening on 3306.

Something similar posted here Error in web install / DB install.php

Does it help ?


No I was getting the error immediately upon clicking the button to create the DB. I tried again this AM and it worked, so I figure it was just a minor gremlin that fixed itself over the weekend.