Support for Acme Packet Net-Net 4500 (possibly others)

Hello. I am trying to add support for an Acme Packet SBC, specifically the 4500 model. It handles VOIP traffic so it has lots of stats such as calls per second on a given realm or current sessions, etc. I’m just shooting for initial hardware monitoring at this point, but all of the data is retrievable via SNMP.
Graphing of the realm data will probably have to be handled by a shell script as a service because it needs to aggregate the stats from several of these SBCs.

MIB package here, the ianaiftype.mib may duplicate information already in the usual base MIBs.
Full OID list: miboids.txt


Please read this information carefully.

GitHub issues is for new device requests only. Please do not post bugs or ask questions

If you have a feature request/changes please post this on our community site.

  • Is your install up to date? Updating your install
    Please do not submit an issue if your install is not up to date within the last 24 hours or on a stable monthly release.
  • Please include all of the information between the ==================================== section of ./validate.php which you can run from the cli.
    Component | Version
    --------- | -------
    LibreNMS | 1.39-44-g3e9f4b3
    DB Schema | 249
    PHP | 7.2.5
    MySQL | 5.7.21-21
    RRDTool | 1.6.0
    SNMP | NET-SNMP 5.7.2

These were run with with the MIBS installed at the system level, but before running the new-os.php script
discovery.php -h HOSTNAME -d
Untitled - LibreNMS (redacted full host name and location information; redacted IPs and other customer information)

poller.php -h HOSTNAME -r -f -d
Untitled - LibreNMS (redacted full host name and location information)

snmpbulkwalk -OUneb -v2c -c COMMUNITY HOSTNAME .
Note: This had to be seriously redacted as it revealed IP addresses, customer, and vendor information which either by law or by contract I cannot publicly share; also as there are nearly 2000 realms configured on the device, I trimmed it to remove repeated data (original file over 63k lines; pruned down to 1682).

Discovery files generated by new-os.php and modified to add indexes and processors entry:
Main def: Untitled - LibreNMS
Sensors: Untitled - LibreNMS
Discovery with MIBs loaded and above YAML: Untitled - LibreNMS
Poller run with MIBs loaded and above YAML: Untitled - LibreNMS

So Discovery appears to be getting the defined sensors, but then polling is returning 0 values on them.

(Imported from Support for Acme Packet Net-Net 4500 (possibly others) · Issue #8701 · librenms/librenms · GitHub, Original request by: @CaptainLame)