A big thank you to the following 31 contributors this last month:
- murrant (16)
- PipoCanaja (9)
- Jellyfrog (4)
- SniperVegeta (3)
- SourceDoctor (3)
- hanserasmus (3)
- deajan (2)
- garysteers (2)
- jasoncheng7115 (2)
- rsys-dev (2)
- VVelox (2)
- TvL2386 (2)
- voipmeister (1)
- dsgagi (1)
- jvit (1)
- frankmcc (1)
- FTBZ (1)
- h-barnhart (1)
- arrmo (1)
- nsn-amagruder (1)
- SteFletcher (1)
- soto2080 (1)
- opalivan (1)
- erotel (1)
- martijn-schmidt (1)
- XioNoX (1)
- Serazio (1)
- rdezavalia (1)
- BrianSidebotham (1)
- fbourqui (1)
- Munzy (1)
- Added Graylog to device overview and log level filter mechanism (#10509) - rsys-dev
- Allow adding custom quick links to device navigation (#10403) - jasoncheng7115
- Simple linear port graph prediction (#10520) - murrant
- Allow filtering of Health sensor discovery (#10485) - PipoCanaja
- Fix html injection in user fields (#10535) - murrant
- Update the docs to reflect various updates to SNMP/local bits (#10507) - VVelox
- Added AIX detection running std snmpd or net-snmp (#10569) - fbourqui
- Added more DELL switches in order to get proper CPU stats (#10529) - rdezavalia
- Fixed Junos port/vlan relationships for els and non-els based software (#10321) - Serazio
- Add serial/model/version polling for Sentry4 MIB (#10432) - XioNoX
- Convert opengear to YAML-based discovery, add some new sensors, add test data (#10553) - martijn-schmidt
- Added support Ericsson MINI-LINK (#10546) - erotel
- NXOS can build FDB table too (#10522) - soto2080
- Reduce discovery snmp load of Cisco VTP vlans module (#10510) - PipoCanaja
- Added new device - Exagrid (#10496) - nsn-amagruder
- Added support for OS dd-wrt (#10500) - arrmo
- Watchguard Fireware is FirewareOS in oxidized (#10494) - deajan
- Fixed missing FW and Serials in Dlink (#10481) - hanserasmus
- Added definition for Cisco SB SG250X (#10472) - PipoCanaja
- Extended RecoveryOS Definition (#10475) - h-barnhart
- Convert About page to Laravel (#10551) - Jellyfrog
- Sort Devices and Groups in Alert Rules ‘map to’ droplist (#10530) - SourceDoctor
- Fixed menu links that used to redirect to # (#10540) - Jellyfrog
- Fix alert log status (#10524) - SniperVegeta
- Fix public status location (#10526) - murrant
- Fix Syslog widget (#10516) - murrant
- Add device group filter to widgets (#9692) - Jellyfrog
- Nfdump support for with NFSen (#10376) - VVelox
- Laravel 5.8 and updated dependencies (#10489) - murrant
- Add an option to hide Location column in Alerts widget (#10482) - dsgagi
- Update services.inc.php (#10486) - SniperVegeta
- Check PHP version first (#10473) - murrant
- Add resources/views/menu/ to .gitignore (#10479) - frankmcc
- Fix some graphs having the wrong timeframe (#10554) - murrant
- Added Cisco-voice IP graphs (#10538) - PipoCanaja
- Fixed unauth graphs not working (#10483) - PipoCanaja
- Smart -power on hour - view fix (#10466) - SourceDoctor
- Ports API: Workaround for ifNames with slashes (#10502) - murrant
- Allowed device_ids as INT or as STRING (#10536) - TvL2386
- Move API routing to Laravel (#10457) - murrant
- Include alert ID in alert templates (#10552) - SniperVegeta
- Allow num_oid to use OCTET STRING indexes (#10410) - PipoCanaja
- Add inbit and outbit rate to auxiliary datastores. (#10512) - SteFletcher
- Fix testing fping output when the LibreNMS user doesn’t have a valid … (#10567) - BrianSidebotham
- Fix Graylog level -1 display (#10560) - murrant
- Use PHP sys_temp_dir by default (#10428) - deajan
- Fix ipv6_network_id query for
context_name (#10544) - garysteers - Fixed Incorrect device match in Graylog (#10501) - rsys-dev
- Fix .env with number symbols (#10497) - murrant
- Update FAQ.md (#10513) - hanserasmus
- Update Applications.md for mysql (#10549) - opalivan
- Fixes the invalid json of the example curl statement (#10537) - TvL2386
- Update Installation-CentOS-7-Apache.md (#10504) - hanserasmus
- Typo fix, minor textual changes in support docs (#10499) - voipmeister
- Fix installation instructions for Ubuntu-1804 (#10488) - jvit
- Oxidized - Recover a configuration of a disabled/removed device (#10469) - FTBZ
- Missing an I from Input (#10474) - Munzy
- Update zh-TW.json for about page (#10558) - jasoncheng7115
- Automatically cleanup plugin-table from removed plugins (#10533) - SourceDoctor
- Remove legacy auth usage of $_SESSION (#10491) - murrant