A big thank you to the following 32 contributors this last month:
SourceDoctor (19)
louis-oui (12)
josephtingiris (11)
martijn-schmidt (3)
h-barnhart (2)
murrant (2)
joshuabaird (2)
LEV82 (2)
cjwbath (2)
vitalisator (2)
arrmo (2)
nistorj (1)
AnaelMobilia (1)
clmcavaney (1)
arjitc (1)
dagbdagb (1)
Jellyfrog (1)
klui2k1 (1)
kkrumm1 (1)
zombah (1)
ccperilla (1)
craig-nokia (1)
JohnSPeach (1)
opalivan (1)
mpikzink (1)
TheGreatDoc (1)
HostIRE (1)
willhseitz (1)
SpaceDump (1)
xorrkaz (1)
ajsiersema (1)
PipoCanaja (1)
Thanks to maintainers that helped merge pull requests this month:
kkrumm1 (43)
PipoCanaja (21)
Jellyfrog (13)
laf (3)
Maintenance Mode for a complete Location (#11089) - SourceDoctor
Alternate Poller IP instead of Hostname (#10981) - SourceDoctor
Fixed missing PoE graphs for Cisco devices (#11087) - ajsiersema
Added OS definition and discovery for SIAE Alfo80HD (#11063) - HostIRE
Added WUT Humidity and Temperature Sensors (#11053) - mpikzink
Minor updates for dd-wrt, clarify snmp source better (#11051) - arrmo
Add Zyxel MGS-3712 Sensors (#11050) - vitalisator
Add sensors to Infoblox discovery (nios.yaml) (#11043) - JohnSPeach
Update timos.inc.php (#11040) - craig-nokia
Fixed issue with SNMP contexts using vlan 1002-1005 on IOS devices (#11031) - nistorj
Add ifotec definition file (#11005) - AnaelMobilia
Correct preg_match() pattern on line 5 (#10999) - josephtingiris
Fix Siklu Voltage Sensor (#10997) - joshuabaird
Add state sensor for Packetflux Sitemonitor Switch Input (#10994) - joshuabaird
Add Lancom OAP-321 Wireless AP (#10982) - vitalisator
Update IronWare sensors & bgp-peers discovery, allow skip_values to target a specific index appended to the OID (#10941) - martijn-schmidt
Extend FS switches support, handle lowerLayerDown ifOperStatus (#10904) - PipoCanaja
Mark Devices in Maintenance Mode (#11092) - SourceDoctor
Fix missing ACK & Notes modals on device alert page (#11076) - josephtingiris
Poller Group Management - Device Count (#11073) - SourceDoctor
Order Poller Group by Name (#11072) - SourceDoctor
Change Poller Group on Device Settings (#11071) - SourceDoctor
Fixed device SNMP edit form (and better feedback) (#11068) - josephtingiris
Add aggregate totals to multiport_bits graph, similar to port_bits (#11065) - willhseitz
Format the Device Module Naming like in global Settings (#11061) - SourceDoctor
Allow findOsImage() to also use the first two words of $feature (#11049) - josephtingiris
Highlight Device Dependency Path to Dependency Root Device(s) (#11025) - SourceDoctor
Support of “disable alerting” in availability map and device summary widget (#11022) - louis-oui
Highlight isolated Devices (Devices with no Dependencies) (#11018) - SourceDoctor
Clarify doc and webui for ignore tag on devices, ports, components and services (#11016) - louis-oui
“Disable alerting” on device disables alert rules check (not just alert transport) (#11015) - louis-oui
Clarify disable, ignore and disable all alerts in device edit section (#11011) - louis-oui
Add Blade directives for common Url functions (#10995) - Jellyfrog
Add alert rule option to invert devices and groups “map to” list (#10954) - louis-oui
Graphing Device Dependency (#10916) - SourceDoctor
Add ‘alert history’ widget for dashboard (#10901) - louis-oui
Discovery Module and Poller Module configuration via Global Settings Web GUI (#10854) - SourceDoctor
Snmp Traps
VMWare Guest State Traps and UI (#11035) - h-barnhart
SNMP Traps for Juniper Power Supplies (#10965) - h-barnhart
Show Alert Detail for Applications (#11088) - SourceDoctor
Asterisk app: add IAX2 peer graphs (#11078) - josephtingiris
PureFTPd Application (#11048) - SourceDoctor
Remove also Associations by deleting Scheduled Maintenance (#11093) - SourceDoctor
Remove redundant data from Alert fallback detail (#11081) - SourceDoctor
Cisco Spark Do not strip tags when markdown is in use. (#11075) - xorrkaz
Added fix for escaping underscore while using Markdown (#11070) - SpaceDump
Add alert rule option to invert devices and groups “map to” list (#11038) - louis-oui
Do not update alert timestamp when updating a triggered alert (#10907) - louis-oui
Don’t overwrite real port ids with zeros in the FDB (#11041) - cjwbath
Add bad_ifoperstatus for filtering interfaces having a status for example ‘notPresent’ (#10977) - LEV82
Don’t dnslookup if overwrite IP is configured (#11084) - SourceDoctor
Optimize DB update of ports and ports_statistics tables when polling (#10792) - louis-oui
Revert ironware BGP-peers changes from PR #10941 (#11096) - martijn-schmidt
Fix snmptranslate exception (#11085) - josephtingiris
Updated test data for arubaos, fs-switch, ifotec, lcos, siklu and trendnet, to pass Travis tests (#11067) - LEV82
Fix FatalThrowableError in forgetAttrib() (#11064) - josephtingiris
Fix SQL constraint violation, ‘port_id’ cannot be null (#11055) - josephtingiris
Fix & amend broken $num_ports query on line 83 (#11013) - josephtingiris
Bugfix the snmpsim collector: use the correct mibdir (#11003) - martijn-schmidt
In rrdtool_escape(), fix invalid length (#11001) - josephtingiris
Centralize Application Display Naming (#11047) - SourceDoctor
Remove uneeded table header (#11029) - SourceDoctor
Always update widget seeds when db update (#10917) - louis-oui
- Fixing PHP incompatibility issue with PHP 7.4 (#11030) - clmcavaney
- Correct ‘shortend’ misspelling (#11000) - josephtingiris