Weathermap Histogram


Is it possible to add some sort of histogram for the Weathermap plugin, so that you can slide a scrollbar to see the changes on the Weathermap based on time (taken from previous snapshots)?
I understand the alternative is to look at the throughput graphs via LibreNMS, however it would be nice to see this from a Weathermap perspective as well.


This is more a weathermap question, try:

Ahh … there you go.
I’ll give it a shot.

Thank you for the quick response!

I just made a little script for this here

It creates the GIF, and stores it per day, so you can select it in the web calendar. I used this GIF player aswell so it’s easy to scroll through the timeline gif-player demos

I’m very happy with the results, let me know if you try it :slight_smile:


@Chas Very nice i will try it out. :slight_smile:

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I am trying too, very nice :beer:

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Am also giving it ago, enabled it this evening.
Will see what it gives me in the morning.


it would be nice to see this functionality