I am experimenting with Weathermaps and Weathermapper plugins. I have installed both plugins and got some maps working (to some degree) using the Weathemapper automated creation.
Now, i’m trying to create a map using the classic weathermap editor. See below:
Now when i click on the map link in the GUI, it shows the map correctly, and when I hover on the links it shows the graph, and when I click on a link it will take me to the interface graph page. See below:
Yeah thats coverd in the docs Also, ensure you set an output image filename and output HTML filename in Map Properties. I’d recommend you use the output folder as this is excluded from git updates (i.e enter output/mymap.png and output/mymap.html).
Thanks man.
Yeh I wasn’t really sure where was that filename settings. I haven’t created weathermaps in our old cacti’s for a really long time.
When you say refresh every 300 seconds, that’s based on the cron job. My librenms (the test one) is set to poll every minute. I guess I can set the weathemap cron to do also refresh every one minute.
Would that work ?
Yes weathermap depends on the cron job for the time to update the data. But the page itself only refreshed every 300 seconds and is hard code into the page.
have you experimented with the WeatherMapper plugin ? I got it to work and do a couple of maps, but it has some issues. For example, hovering on a link would not show the traffic graph, and clicking on a link does not do anything.
More on this, I noticed that the links sometimes would show the load (color change) and sometimes would turn gray as if zero traffic is passing. I know that is not the case as I can see some links between our switches have constant traffic, and can’t be zero. See example below:
You can see the link being hovered on. The graph shows clearly constant traffic at around 200 mbps, while the link itself is gray with Zero traffic label.
When I run the map-poller.php manually I see the following errors (few examples below) :
WARNING: configs//vmware-cluster.conf: ReadData: LINK sw81.rai.xxxxxx-node03.xxxxxa, target: ./sw81.xxxxxx/port-id4241.rrd:INOCTETS:OUTOCTETS on config line 475 of configs//vmware-cluster.conf had no valid data, according to WeatherMapDataSource_rrd
WARNING: configs//vmware-cluster.conf: ReadData: LINK sw22.rai.xxxxxx-artemis.xxxxxx, target: ./sw22.xxxxxx/port-id3193.rrd:INOCTETS:OUTOCTETS on config line 483 of configs//vmware-cluster.conf had no valid data, according to WeatherMapDataSource_rrd
WARNING: configs//vmware-cluster.conf: ReadData: LINK sw27.xxxxxxx-aiolos.xxxxxxx, target: ./sw27.xxxxxxx/port-id3175.rrd:INOCTETS:OUTOCTETS on config line 490 of configs//vmware-cluster.conf had no valid data, according to WeatherMapDataSource_rrd
There is a clear inconsistency in updating the Links on the map as they frequently show Zero value, where they shouldn’t. Showing Link values seems to be sporadic and i’m not sure if the issue is caused by the warning shown above.
Below is a sample of a link that shows Zero value, while in fact this link is a connection between two core switches and never has zero traffic. Every few refresh cycle, the link would show a value, but then it goes to zero again.
Usually if you use rrdcached some values are still not written to the rrd files and are still in the rrdcached queue.
I deal with this sending a FLUSHALL command before the weathermap poller. It could be something like this: echo 'FLUSHALL' | nc -w 3 YOUR_RRDCACHED_SERVER 42217 >> /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 60 /opt/librenms/html/plugins/Weathermap/map-poller.php >> /dev/null 2>&1
I will make /when I have some time/ a list of the rrd files which I need to actually FLUSH for the weathermap and not FLUSHALL. But for now the flushall works.
Yes, your rrdcached server. To know which server you use, check out the setting $config['rrdcached'] in config.php
In your case this could be the server where you’ve installed LibreNMS. In my case is a separate server.
in the cron you can add the flush command before the weathermap poller and append a sleep. Or do it like in this post: Weathermap links report "no valid data" with distributed poller (rrdcached)